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ValentinA Womens Hot Body Shaper Stomach Fat Burner Tummy Control Trainer Workout Sauna Suit Slimmimg Compression Vest
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ValentinA Womens Hot Body Shaper Stomach Fat Burner Tummy Control Trainer Workout Sauna Suit Slimmimg Compression Vest

Product ID: 31089161
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Quickest way to lose weight and lose belly fat doesn' t have to be so difficult. Look here and shed extra pounds today!Our Vest provides a lazy but effective way to lose weight by burning extra calories in the body.Its revolutionary design helps you achieve results faster and easier. It is perfect for losing weight, burning tummy fat, reducing abdomen, protecting waist, shaping your figure.BENEFITS:Enhance Sweating:It keeps your body warm and heats up your core abdominal area making you sweat more while performing your daily activities.It is designed to get rid of your tummy fats, to burn more calories, to have more sweat, to maximize the effectiveness of your workout.Promote Good Posture:It effectively tightens and shapes body by applying pressure to stomach, abdomen, belly, upper back, which increases your glamour in your daily life. The scientific design and compression will help you correct posture, flatten abdomen, firm tummy leading to a more molded figure and visually trim weight.Eliminate Fat in A Healthy & Easy & Economic Way:It heats up your body resulting in more sweating and help your body to sweat out harmful fats, then leads to healthy weight loss.It offers an easy way of losing out excess body weight. Just try it and your body will start sweating away extra inches from the body fat.Lift up Your Chest:Its unique draping lifts up your bust, transfers unwanted fat and improves your shape of your bust. It can also compress your back to support you for a lean appearance.Perfect Equipment for Sports:It is the best fitness equipment and perfect for all kinds of workout in the gym and outdoor. You can wear it to enjoy exercising sports or just wear it at home while performing daily tasks.NOTE:1. For better results, wear it while you are exercising.2. Hand wash in cold water with a soft detergent.

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Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

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Very reliable shop with genuine products. Will definitely buy again!

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