CURT 61100 Over-Bed Fixed Ball Gooseneck Hitch, 30,000 lbs, 2-5/16-Inch Ball , Black
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CURT 61100 Over-Bed Fixed Ball Gooseneck Hitch, 30,000 lbs, 2-5/16-Inch Ball , Black

Product ID: 19930343
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CURT fixed ball gooseneck hitches are built to deliver all the towing power you need to tackle the demands of the job, without breaking the bank. When your day starts the moment you climb into the seat of that full-size 4x4 pickup, your towing equipment needs to be a reliable extension of your truck. CURT fixed ball gooseneck hitches are a permanent towing solution that offer reliable strength at an economical price. This CURT fixed ball hitch features an over-bed design, installing directly on top of your truck bed using CURT over-bed gooseneck installation brackets. It offers a gross trailer weight capacity up to 30,000 lbs. to allow you to tow whatever heavy-duty trailer you need, from point A to point B, whether a livestock trailer full of horses, a flatbed piled with building materials or a car hauler carrying a backhoe. This fixed ball gooseneck hitch also comes with a standard 2-5/16" gooseneck trailer ball welded onto a thick 12" x 12" steel plate. The fixed design ensures the ball can never be loosened or stolen, increasing safety on the road and preventing theft. Also, to ensure that CURT fixed ball gooseneck hitches can indeed be called CURT hitches, we finish them in a durable carbide powder coat that provides the necessary protection against rust, wear and other everyday threats you meet off the beaten path. For the best quality and durability in gooseneck towing, CURT is the obvious choice. We carefully engineer, test and manufacture our gooseneck hitches to meet today's safety standards and exceed all expectations. For a gooseneck hitch with all the quality of a CURT hitch and the economy to keep your wallet full, there is nothing like a CURT fixed ball gooseneck hitch.

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