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DHP Phoenix Convertible Low Wood Floor Bunk Bed, Stackable and Detachable Bed Frames for Kids, Solid Wood, with Ladder, High Guardrail, Wood Slats, No Boxspring Required, Full-Over-Full, White
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DHP Phoenix Convertible Low Wood Floor Bunk Bed, Stackable and Detachable Bed Frames for Kids, Solid Wood, with Ladder, High Guardrail, Wood Slats, No Boxspring Required, Full-Over-Full, White

Product ID: 333365666
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Sleep in style with the customizable, space-saving design of the DHP Sierra Full-Over-Full Bunk Bed. The increased sleeping capacity is common sense solution for cottages, extended family, out-of-town guests or hosting your child's rambunctious friends for a sleepover. The DHP Sierra features a beautiful finish, clean lines and horizontal slats with a built-in stepladder to access the top bunk. Each bed features its own personal space with easy dependable access in and out. The ultimate space-saver, the Sierra's multiple configurations also allow it to be set up as a traditional bunk bed or simply as two separate full-size beds. The unique floor bunk bed design will allow you to maximize your space while the sturdy, solid construction adds both durability and functionality. Fun, safe and stylish, the DHP Sierra Full-Over-Full Bunk Bed is the perfect antidote for sleeping multiple people in smaller spaces. Available in multiple colors.

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Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago

Fatima A.

Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

3 days ago

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