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YOUniverse Crystal Growing Unicorn STEAM Activity Kit for Kids
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YOUniverse Crystal Growing Unicorn STEAM Activity Kit for Kids

Product ID: 460398503
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Discover just how magical science can be with the YOUniverse Crystal-Growing Unicorn kit! Follow the easy-to-understand instructions to whip up your crystal-growing solution. Then, pour it into the provided container and watch the crystallization process in action as a simple chemical reaction occurs, resulting in gorgeous crystal formations on the 3D unicorn figurine! Once your crystals grow big and beautiful, discover how science and style come together — transform color pigments into paint and bring your unicorn’s magic to life! Recommended for ages 8 & up. YOUniverse Crystal-Growing Unicorn, DIY Crystal Growing Kit YOU*niverse Crystal Growing Unicorn Kit: With a bit of chemistry and a lot of creativity, you can grow crystals on a unicorn and design sparkling room décor! The YOUniverse Crystal-Growing Unicorn set includes everything you need to grow crystals on a unicorn figurine, including a ready-to-go crystal-growing mixture and a container that lets you watch the crystals grow! Explore the color spectrum and create every color of the rainbow by combining the provided dyes in the paint palette — mix yellow and blue to make green, pink and blue for purple, and pink with yellow for coral! From crystallization to evaporation and thermodynamics — this STEAM kit makes learning fun and stylish! Encourage curiosity and exploration into the exciting world of science with a bonus poster full of engaging content and fun facts — hang it anywhere you please! Whether you’re looking for an easy-peasy homeschool science project or a fun weekend activity, this science kit is perfect for any learner ages 12 and up! Kit Includes: 1 Unicorn Figurine (4 in. x 2.2 in. x 4.875 in.), 1 Bag of Alum Powder (6 oz), 1 Crystal-Growing Container (5.53 in. x 3.83 in. x 5.5 in.), 3 Coloring Dyes (1 Yellow, 1 Pink, 1 Blue), 1 Iridescent Glitter Packet (1 g), 1 Acrylic Paint Pot (Metallic) 3 mL, 1 Mixing Stick, 1 Paintbrush, 1 Paint Palette, Easy-to-Follow Instructions Age Range: 8 years & up

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

2 days ago

Anita G.

Good experience, but the tracking updates could be better.

2 months ago

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Ali H.

Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

1 day ago

Ayesha M.

The product exactly matches the description. Very satisfied with my purchase.

5 days ago