Avery TrueBlock Shipping Labels, White, Sure Feed, Permanent Adhesive, 2" x 4", 250 Labels (6427)
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Avery TrueBlock Shipping Labels, White, Sure Feed, Permanent Adhesive, 2" x 4", 250 Labels (6427)

Product ID: 460404113
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Create personalized labels with ease and efficiency using these Avery Shipping Labels. Featuring Sure Feed technology, the label sheets offer a more reliable feed through your printer, preventing misalignments and jams. This 250 pack of address labels is perfect for high-volume shipping and mailing jobs, as well as for creating customized labels for crafting, gift tags, party favors and more. TrueBlock technology lets you completely cover up all text and imagery underneath the 2x4 labels, so you can reuse boxes and block out markings and mistakes for a polished, professional look on the bright white labels. These shipping labels are compatible with laser and inkjet printers so you can easily print vibrant colors and ultra crisp text without worrying about ink smudges. Personalizing your printable labels with logos, graphics or images is a snap using the free shipping labels template and designs at avery.com/templates. Avery 6427 Labels feature proprietary Sure Feed(R) technology to deliver a more reliable feed through your printer, preventing misalignments and jams TrueBlock technology completely covers everything underneath for a professional look on packages Create customized labels for mailing and shipping, gifts tags, crafts and more Add your own logo, graphics or unique images to your designs with free templates at avery.com/templates Bulk-pack labels compatible with laser and inkjet printers

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Abdullah B.

Great price for an authentic product. Fast international shipping too!

3 weeks ago

Neha S.

Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

2 weeks ago

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Rajesh P.

Customer service was outstanding when I had questions about the product.

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Anjali K.

The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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