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Equate Gel Corn Protectors, 2 Count
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Equate Gel Corn Protectors, 2 Count

Product ID: 460416598
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Get light on your feet again, with Equate Gel Corn Protectors. The soft, flexible, gel pad, cushions and protects, helping to provide relief and easing the toe pain associated with corns. Simply slip over the toe and position the gel pad over the corn, test for a comfortable fit, remove and trim the length if needed, then reapply. It will stay in place without adhesive and the thin design comfortably fits in most footwear. Our gel corn protectors make shoes more comfortable because it moisturizes the area between the toes, while it provides cushioning and protection. Hand-washable and reusable, these corn protectors can be worn time and time again, making them a practical purchase. They absorb pressure and friction, making commuting, exercising, driving, errand-running and the rigors of everyday life more manageable. Pick up Equate Gel Corn Protectors and your feet are sure to thank you! Absorbs pressure and friction Gel softens and soothes Relief from toe pain No adhesives Washable Reusable

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Yusuf A.

Fantastic experience overall. Will recommend to friends and family.

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

1 week ago

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