Polaroid Dual Screen Wifi Action Camera 4K 18mp, Waterproof, Rechargeable Battery, Mounting Accessories
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Polaroid Dual Screen Wifi Action Camera 4K 18mp, Waterproof, Rechargeable Battery, Mounting Accessories

Product ID: 473254991
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The Polaroid Dual Screen Wifi Action Camera is perfect for sports uses an 18MP camera to deliver crisp and clear recordings in 30fps at 1080P and 15fps at 4K making it the perfect choice for recording movies, home videos, and any outdoor adventures the easy way. Thanks to the dual-camera design, our sports video camera for vlogging allows you to see and record your video while looking at the camera to make sure it is ready to share on social media when you are done without any hassles. The front and back screen makes it easy to use along with the quick Wi-Fi connect ability. The built in rechargeable battery with USB connectivity makes this perfect for on the go recording. With our water and weatherproof technology, you can record anywhere anytime without fear of damaging your camera. HD 4K 18MP action camera: Our action camera for sports uses an 18MP camera to deliver crisp and clear recordings in 30fps at 1080P and 15fps at 4K making it the perfect choice for recording movies, home videos, and any outdoor adventures the easy way Record and share the easy way: Thanks to the dual-camera design, our sports video camera for vlogging allows you to see and record your video while looking at the camera to make sure it?s ready to share on social media when you?re done without any hassles Simple and easy to use: The front and back screens allow you to see your recordings more clearly; You can use Wi-Fi to quickly share files on social media platforms; Mounts for helmets and bicycles are included so you can use the camera in action scenes Built-in rechargeable battery: We made our polaroid camera with adventurers and travelers in mind which is why it uses a built-in rechargeable battery that you can charge through the included USB cable by connecting to any power outlet at home or on the go Waterproof and weather resistant: Our video camera for sports and vlogging is made to accompany you anywhere you go; It can stand up to almost any weather conditions as well as being waterproof, dustproof, freezeproof, and shockproof to handle daily use

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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