Whirlpool WHESFC Pro Series Water Softener/Whole Home Filter + iSpring WSP-50 Reusable Whole House Spin Down Sediment Water Filter
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Whirlpool WHESFC Pro Series Water Softener/Whole Home Filter + iSpring WSP-50 Reusable Whole House Spin Down Sediment Water Filter

Product ID: 497672598
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Whirlpool WHESFC Pro Series – Softener/Whole Home Filter Hybrid, GrayWhirlpool Hybrid Water Softener + Whole House Filtration System — Better water for you and your home starts here. The Whirlpool WHESFC Pro Series is the ideal 2-in-1 home water solution. This multi-tasking system was created so your water is not only soft but healthy and safe from potentially harmful contaminants. Demand-Initiated Regeneration Technology Demand-initiated regeneration technology helps reduce unnecessary salt use, minimizing the need to purchase replacement water softener salt for your system. This system regenerates soft water for your home as you need it, not on an every day timer like older water softeners. 6th Sense Technology6th sense technology makes your salt and water-use more efficient, reducing the amount of waste your water softener creates. This hybrid softener and filtration system will automatically calculate how much salt is needed to clean its media bed. Older models use the same amount every time even though your water use may fluctuate daily. What Does NSF Certified Mean? The National Sanitation Federation (NSF) is a public health organization. They offer NSF Certifications for products that comply with the strict standards and procedures imposed by the organization to ensure products are safe for individuals. The Whirlpool WHESFC Pro Series reduces dangerous contaminants in your home’s water, as well as sediment and chlorine which impact the smell and taste of your water. This Whirlpool WHESFC Water Softener system comes with everything you need for a quick installation. Along with the single tank, your order includes a bypass valve, drain hose, 2 clips, 2 installation adaptors, 2 hose clamps, an adaptor elbow, a grommet and 4 O-rings. NOTE: Due to variances in production and assembly, the water softener valve height may vary by up to 1/2" from an existing water treatment system, including existing Whirlpool models. This potential change in valve height will not affect system performance. Product color may vary from photo color.iSpring WSP-50 Reusable Whole House Spin Down Sediment Water Filter, 50 Micron Flushable Prefilter Filtration, 1" MNPT + 3/4" FNPT, Lead-Free BrassThe WSP-50 spin down sediment filter is ideal for filtering out course sediment larger than 50 micron. The stainless steel screen makes the flushing and cleaning process very simple, allowing flushing of the contaminants through the bottom of the filter when the cartridge begins to get clogged. This allows the stainless steel filter cartridge to be used over and over again without needing to be replaced. The 1 inch outlet MNPT fitting provides a maximum 20 gpm flow rate, and the WSP-50 also features 3/4 inch NPT threads on the inlet and outlet. Specifications: Mesh pore rating: 50 micron Dry weight: 1 lb. Dimensions: 3. 5" width x 9" height Suitable temperature range: 40 - 100 °F Suitable pressure range: 20 - 90 psi

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