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Complete Dobro Player
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Complete Dobro Player

Product ID: 58028452
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Stacy Phillips is an internationally acclaimed soloist and author on Resonator Guitar. This comprehensive book took years to produce and is the culmination of Stacy’s many years of playing the instrument, studying new Resonator techniques and interviewing other Resonator greats. This book achieves the following objectives: 1. To present an in-depth survey of the styles in which well-rounded lap guitarists should be competent. 2. To examine the playing styles and techniques of some of the world’s greatest Resonator guitarists. 3. To catalog many of the licks that are lingua franca in the world of Resonator guitarists. 4. To indicate some of the underlying relationships between notes, keys, and chords by introducing some basic music theory as it relates specifically to the six-string guitar in G tuning. 5. To gain insights into the world of Resophonic guitar stylings and performance through interviews with some of the top players. 6. To demonstrate unconventional concepts in order to stimulate fresh approaches to playing the instrument. Tablature included. The audio presents more than 90 minutes of stereo recording featuring Stacy Phillips on Dobro® and Paul Howard on guitar. Play-along tracks are included for several of the tunes. Includes access to online audio.

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